2019 – July – Week 5

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

31st (Adi punarpUsam) – dhivyadhESams, Education/Kids, dhivya prabandham updates

dhivyadhESams, uthsavams

SrivaishNava Education/Kids

dhivya prabandham

30th (Adi thiruvAdhirai) – dhivyadhESams, Education/Kids, dhivya prabandham updates

dhivyadhESams, uthsavams

SrivaishNava Education/Kids

dhivya prabandham

29th (Adi mrgaSIrsham) – dhivyadhESams, Education/Kids, dhivya prabandham updates

dhivyadhESams, uthsavams

SrivaishNava Education/Kids

  • Many santhai videos (sthOthra rathnam with English text) and lectures (guruparamparai English, thiruppAvai English) have been uploaded in our youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/KoyilOrg . Please subscribe and receive regular notifications.

dhivya prabandham

28th (Adi rOhiNi) – dhivyadhESams, Education/Kids, granthams, dhivya prabandham updates

dhivyadhESams, uthsavams

SrivaishNava Education/Kids

SrIvaishNava granthams

dhivya prabandham

archived in http://koyil.org , published by http://www.varavaramuni.com

pramEyam (goal) – http://koyil.org
pramANam (scriptures) – http://granthams.koyil.org
pramAthA (preceptors) – http://acharyas.koyil.org
SrIvaishNava education/kids portal – http://pillai.koyil.org

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