2022 – May – Week 1

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

7th (chithrai 24 – punarpusam, shashti) – Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates

SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh books – AzhwAr/AchAryas thaniyans/vAzhi thirunAmams; new english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

6th (chithrai 23 – thiruvAdhirai/punarpusam, panchami) – Events, Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates


SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

5th (chithrai 22 – thiruvAdhirai, chathurthi) – Events, Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates


SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh books – AzhwAr/AchAryas thaniyans/vAzhi thirunAmams; new english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

4th (chithrai 21 – mrgaSIrsham, thrithIyai/chathurthi) – Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates

SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh books – AzhwAr/AchAryas thaniyans/vAzhi thirunAmams; new english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

3rd (chithrai 20 – rOhiNi, thrithIyai) – Events, Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates


SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh books – AzhwAr/AchAryas thaniyans/vAzhi thirunAmams; new english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

2nd (chithrai 19 – kArthigai, dhvithIyai) – Events, Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates


SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh books – AzhwAr/AchAryas thaniyans/vAzhi thirunAmams; new english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

1st (chithrai 18 – bharaNi, prathamai) – Education, granthams, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates

SrivaishNava Education

SrIvaishNava granthams


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh books – AzhwAr/AchAryas thaniyans/vAzhi thirunAmams; new english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

archived in http://koyil.org

pramEyam (goal) – http://koyil.org
pramANam (scriptures) – http://granthams.koyil.org
pramAthA (preceptors) – http://acharyas.koyil.org
SrIvaishNava education/kids portal – http://pillai.koyil.org

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