2023 – Mar – Week 5

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

31st (panguni 17 – pUsam, dhaSami) – Education, dhivyaprabandham, granthams, Book release updates

SrIvaishNava Education

  • Today’s classes at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/koyil_org/
    • 1.30 PM to 2 PM IST – SrIvaikuNta gadhyam santhai.
    • 4 PM to 5.30 PM IST – bhagavath vishaya kAlakshEpam (at 103 A Block, Vignesh keerthana Flats, 3 East Adaiyavalainjan Street, SrIrangam) – Youtube/Facebook live at 4 PM IST.


SrIvaishNava granthams

Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh, english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

30th (panguni 16 – punarpUsam, navami) – uthsavams, Education, dhivyaprabandham, granthams, Book release updates


SrIvaishNava Education

  • Today’s classes at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/koyil_org/
    • 1.30 PM to 2 PM IST – SrIvaikuNta gadhyam santhai.
    • 4 PM to 5.30 PM IST – bhagavath vishaya kAlakshEpam (at at 74, East Chithrai Street, SrIrangam) – Youtube/Facebook live at 4 PM IST.


SrIvaishNava granthams

Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh, english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

29th (panguni 15 – thiruvAdhirai, ashtami) – Education, dhivyaprabandham, granthams, Book release updates

SrIvaishNava Education

  • Today’s classes at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/koyil_org/
    • 1.30 PM to 2 PM IST – SrIvaikuNta gadhyam santhai.
    • 4 PM to 5.30 PM IST – bhagavath vishaya kAlakshEpam (at at 74, East Chithrai Street, SrIrangam) – Youtube/Facebook live at 4 PM IST.


SrIvaishNava granthams

Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh, english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

28th (panguni 14 – mrgaSIrsham, sapthami) – Education, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates

SrIvaishNava Education

  • Today’s classes at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/koyil_org/
    • 1.30 PM to 2 PM IST – SrIvaikuNta gadhyam santhai.
    • 4 PM to 5.30 PM IST – bhagavath vishaya kAlakshEpam (at 103 A Block, Vignesh keerthana Flats, 3 East Adaiyavalainjan Street, SrIrangam) – Youtube/Facebook live at 4 PM IST.


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh, english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

27th (panguni 13 – rOhiNi, shashti) – uthsavams, Education, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates


SrIvaishNava Education

  • Today’s classes at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/koyil_org/
    • 1.30 PM to 2 PM IST – SrIvaikuNta gadhyam santhai.
    • 4 PM to 5 PM IST – bhagavath vishaya kAlakshEpam (at 103 A Block, Vignesh keerthana Flats, 3 East Adaiyavalainjan Street, SrIrangam) – Youtube/Facebook live at 4 PM IST.
    • 6 PM to 7 PM IST – thiruppAvai 3000 padi kAlakshEpam (at thoNdaradippadi AzhwAr sannidhi, SrIrangam periya kOyil) – Youtube/Facebook live at 6 PM IST.
  • Today’s classes at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/vanamamalaimutt/
    • 8.30 PM to 9.30 PM IST – thiruvAimozhi santhai.
  • Recent recordings of ஸ்ரீவைஷ்ணவக் கல்வித் திட்டம் – தொடக்க விழா (SrIvaishNava Education – opening ceremony) uploaded at http://pillai.koyil.org/index.php/2018/08/learners-series-general-lectures/ .
  • New video uploaded in Youtube – ஸ்ரீவைஷ்ணவக் கல்வித் திட்டம் – தொடக்க விழா (SrIvaishNava Education – opening ceremony) – https://youtube.com/live/qUQi_xb3WRc?feature=share
  • New video uploaded in Youtube – ஆழ்வார்கள் வழியில் நடப்பவர்களா நாம்? (Are we following the  footsteps of AzhwArs?) https://youtu.be/-fGMhdr5N50
  • New video uploaded in Youtube – பெரிய பெருமாள் – பங்குனி ரோஹிணி/periya perumAL – panguni rOhiNi – https://youtube.com/shorts/uORMooxrf30
  • New video uploaded in Youtube – ஶரணாகதி கத்யம் சந்தை/SaraNAgathi gadhyam santhai – சூர்ணை/chUrNai 16 – 18 – step 3 of 3 – https://youtu.be/OB2Y7zPGIsg
  • New video uploaded in Youtube – Q & A – Q & A – Is it true that SrI rAma and lakshmaNa hunted for animals and consumed meat? https://youtu.be/ASWcG0j_Fzc


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh, english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

26th (panguni 12 – kArthigai, panchami) – Education, dhivyaprabandham, Book release updates

SrIvaishNava Education


Book release

  • Coming soon – Watch out for more new books in http://books.koyil.org – new thamizh, english, telugu, kannada and hindi books are getting ready.

archived in http://koyil.org

pramEyam (goal) – http://koyil.org
pramANam (scriptures) – http://granthams.koyil.org
pramAthA (preceptors) – http://acharyas.koyil.org
SrIvaishNava education/kids portal – http://pillai.koyil.org

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